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2021-12-17 09:37:55  来源:搜狐




DAO组织,Decentralized Autonomous Organization,是一种全新的人类组织协同方式,可以让人们快速、无边界且具有强执行力的做出决策的组织形式。这种协同方式本质上是一种去中心化的协同工作方式,让有才能的人在免除信任成本的同时,更高效率地作出决策。

现状中存在社交 DAO、协议 DAO 和基于项目的 DAO,甚至由公司转变而来的 DAO。各种各样的DAO更能反映出人们对分布式发展的需求程度,也奠定了分布式发展的社区基础。

DeFi,Decentralized Finance,分布式金融,通常指基于以太坊的金融智能合约组成的去中心化应用程序(DApps)。简单来说,它是基于区块链构建的财务软件,相互之间可以像乐高积木一样组合。






橙希云作为深耕分布式存储领域的企业,在分布式存储领域已有可观的存储规模和相当建树,从2019年就开始为用户提供安全可靠的分布式存储服务 ,至今橙希云在分布式存储界达成40000TiB+存储的市场份额,累计服务10000+客户,是推动分布式存储领域发展的中坚力量,并且在未来的分布式发展中,橙希云也会尽自己的力量推动分布式在未来的发展。

Storange Cloud Research Report: Decentralized network architecture is the future development trend of the Internet

As we all know, every stage of the Internet relies on new digital spaces and new interactive models to attract audiences.

From web1.0 to web2.0, and then to the current mobile Internet, we have moved from obtaining information based on text, to obtaining based on graphics and video, and then interacting based on mobile applications. And now, the new stage brings a new mode of operation.

Each stage is facilitated by the new infrastructure and popularization is driven by the applications built on it. At the same time, each stage also requires a new interface to achieve widespread adoption.

As the construction of web3.0 continues to deeper development, our awareness and demand for web3.0 are also constantly improving. For example, web3.0 applications such as DAO, DeFi, Metaverse, and decentralized storage are gaining popularity. We will also put our eyes on the future development of decentralized systems from these aspects.

DAO, Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a new way of human organization collaboration that allows people to make decisions quickly, without boundaries, and with strong execution. This collaborative approach is essentially a decentralized collaborative work approach that allows talented people to make decisions more efficiently while avoiding the cost of trust.

There are social DAO, protocol DAO, project-based DAO, and even DAO transformed from companies. Various DAO can better reflect people's demand for distributed development, and also laid the foundation for decentralized development in the community.

DeFi, Decentralized Finance, usually refers to decentralized applications composed of financial smart contracts based on Ethereum. Simply put, it is financial software built on the blockchain, which can be combined like Lego blocks.

"Don't trust, verify." Distributed financing aims to establish a financial system that is open to everyone and minimize the need for one to trust and rely on centralized organizations. Technologies such as the Internet, cryptography, and blockchain provide us with tools to establish and control the financial system, and no longer need the endorsement of centralized institutions. At the same time, DeFi can break the restrictions between regions, remove the huge income gap between high and low, rich and poor, and realize a new financial income model.

Nowadays, the popular Metaverse is also based on a distributed network architecture. The Metaverse is based on human beings. It takes humans as the main body to realize online real life, using distributed concepts and web3.0 technology to realize the virtualization and digitization of human life. Create a virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, and a digital living space with a new social system.

The development of Metaverse can further improve the efficiency of social production in terms of technological innovation and collaboration; it has spawned a series of new technologies, new formats and new models, and promoted the transformation of traditional industries; promoted the cross-border derivation of cultural and creative industries, and greatly increased art consumption. ; It can make major changes to the future work and lifestyle, and a large amount of work and life will take place in the virtual world; thereby promoting the construction of smart cities and innovating social governance models.

Decentralized storage starts with data storage methods, data reading methods and user privacy. Through the occurrence of various storage data leakage accidents in the past ten years, we can more clearly feel that centralized storage methods can no longer meet people's storage needs.Low security, low circulation, and man-made dangers put data in crisis.

The decentralized storage network uses sharding technology to divide user data into several pieces, which are scattered on the servers of global storage service providers, and verified through encryption. Only the user can obtain the complete data after decrypting with the private key, and every storage service provider has no way to view or obtain user data. The problem of data privacy leakage caused by centralized storage is fundamentally solved, and the data is firmly in the hands of users.

Storange Cloud as an enterprise deeply plowing the field of decentralized storage,there has been considerable storage scale and considerable achievements in the field of decentralized storage. Since 2019, it has provided users with safe and reliable decentralized storage services. So far, Storange Cloud has reached a market share of 40,000 TiB+ storage in the decentralized storage industry,accumulatively serving 10,000+ customers is the backbone of the development of the decentralized storage field. In the future distributed development, Storange Cloud will also do its best to promote the development of decentralized storage in the future.


关键词: 互联网 未来 发展


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